551 research outputs found

    Lebensstile und Wohnstandortwahl

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    Zusammenfassung: In der Lebensstilforschung und verschiedenen Disziplinen der Raumforschung wird die These vertreten, dass Lebensstile relevant für Entscheidungen in unterschiedlichen Verhaltensbereichen, insbesondere aber im Feld der Auswahl von Wohnungen und Wohnstandorten sind. Die empirische Befundlage zu dieser Behauptung ist allerdings ausgesprochen uneinheitlich. Um die Bedingungen für die Relevanz von lebensstilbasierten Präferenzen für die Wohnungs- und Wohnstandortwahl zu präzisieren, knüpft dieser Aufsatz an ein einfaches entscheidungstheoretisches Modell an, das sowohl in der Stadtsoziologie wie auch in der Lebensstilforschung Verwendung gefunden hat. Darauf aufbauend wird eine empirische Studie auf der Basis einer Quartiersbefragung in Leipzig präsentiert, die den Einfluss von Lebensstilen auf die Wohnungs- und Wohnstandortwahl unter Bedingungen und in einem Kontext prüft, die eine besonders große Relevanz von Lebensstilen erwarten lassen. Insgesamt zeigen aber die Ergebnisse, dass lebensstilbasierte Präferenzen selbst unter diesen Bedingungen nur eine beschränkte Erklärungskraft aufweisen, während die Ressourcenausstattung von Personen und ihre Lebensform für Wohnentscheidungen von deutlich größerer Relevanz sin

    Effect of genital herpes on cervicovaginal HIV shedding in women co-infected with HIV AND HSV-2 in Tanzania.

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    To compare the presence and quantity of cervicovaginal HIV among HIV seropositive women with clinical herpes, subclinical HSV-2 infection and without HSV-2 infection respectively; to evaluate the association between cervicovaginal HIV and HSV shedding; and identify factors associated with quantity of cervicovaginal HIV. Four groups of HIV seropositive adult female barworkers were identified and examined at three-monthly intervals between October 2000 and March 2003 in Mbeya, Tanzania: (1) 57 women at 70 clinic visits with clinical genital herpes; (2) 39 of the same women at 46 clinic visits when asymptomatic; (3) 55 HSV-2 seropositive women at 60 clinic visits who were never observed with herpetic lesions; (4) 18 HSV-2 seronegative women at 45 clinic visits. Associations of genital HIV shedding with HIV plasma viral load (PVL), herpetic lesions, HSV shedding and other factors were examined. Prevalence of detectable genital HIV RNA varied from 73% in HSV-2 seronegative women to 94% in women with herpetic lesions (geometric means 1634 vs 3339 copies/ml, p = 0.03). In paired specimens from HSV-2 positive women, genital HIV viral shedding was similar during symptomatic and asymptomatic visits. On multivariate regression, genital HIV RNA (log10 copies/mL) was closely associated with HIV PVL (β = 0.51 per log10 copies/ml increase, 95%CI:0.41-0.60, p<0.001) and HSV shedding (β = 0.24 per log10 copies/ml increase, 95% CI:0.16-0.32, p<0.001) but not the presence of herpetic lesions (β = -0.10, 95%CI:-0.28-0.08, p = 0.27). HIV PVL and HSV shedding were more important determinants of genital HIV than the presence of herpetic lesions. These data support a role of HSV-2 infection in enhancing HIV transmissibility

    Mind the Gap: Teaching Archival Silences in Digital Collections

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    This engaging case study describes a library instruction session held virtually for undergraduate students in an upper-level history course on US foreign relations. Working collaboratively, the special collections librarian and instruction librarian for history presented students with strategies for finding and evaluating digital primary sources for their research papers. Students were introduced to the role the curatorial process plays in the creation of digital collections. The instructors highlighted that such collections frequently contain only a portion of the materials in a full archival collection as well as the role of curatorial bias: digital collections often reflect the prejudices and interests of the person who selected the materials to be digitized. In some cases, this can mean less material in digital collections from underrepresented groups, hence the need to mind the gap

    Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and their first-degree relatives: Potential clinical value

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    Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies (ASCA) have been described as specific markers in Crohn's disease and their healthy first-degree relatives. 171 patients with Crohn's disease, their 105 first-degree relatives, 145 patients with ulcerative colitis and 101 first-degree relatives of patients with ulcerative colitis, 50 patients with infectious enterocolitis and 100 healthy controls were tested for ASCA employing the ELISA technique. When compared with the healthy controls (p < 0.0001) and patients with infectious enterocolitis (p < 0.0001) the prevalence of ASCA was significantly increased in patients with Crohn's disease and their first-degree relatives (p < 0.01). Further significant differences concerning the frequency of ASCA within the different groups of our study population were not observed. In particular, ASCA were not found in increased prevalence in infectious enterocolitis. These observations are compatible with a role of ASCA as a marker of genetic predisposition to Crohn's disease. Copyright (C) 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Die 68er. Eine kultursoziologische Analyse

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    Die Arbeit geht der Frage nach, ob die 68er als soziologische Generation im Mannheimschen Sinne verstanden werden können. In einem ersten Schritt wird Mannheims Generationenkonzept (Generationslagerung, Generationszusammenhang und Generationseinheit) um neuere Ansätze ergänzt und auf seine empirische Umsetzbarkeit befragt. Das Alter zwischen 17 und 22 wird, zumindest für den politischen Bereich, als die zentrale formative Phase angesehen, in der sich politische Einstellungen herausbilden und verfestigen. Anhand von Primär- und Sekundärquellen werden anschließend zentrale gesellschaftliche Problemstellungen in den Bereichen Politik, Sexualität und Alltagsleben identifiziert, an denen sich eine Generation der 68er hätte festmachen können. Die Ereignisse der Jahre 1967 und 1968 werden als generationsstiftend angesehen, da sie über die Bewegung im engeren hinaus, die bereits früher aktiv war, weitere Bevölkerungsteile betroffen haben. Daraus ergeben sich die Geburtsjahrgänge 1946-1950 als die Basis für eine 68er-Generation. Anhand repräsentativer Bevölkerungsumfragen der European Values Study aus den Jahren 1981 und 1990 wird anschließend für Westdeutschland überprüft, inwieweit diese Kohorte in den identifizierten Dimensionen tatsächlich andere Werthaltungen als ihre Vorgänger entwickelt und über die Zeit beibehalten hat. Die Daten belegen einen deutlichen Wertebruch für alle analysierten Themen gegenüber den älteren Jahrgängen. In manchen Fragen bilden die fünf bis zehn Jahre Älteren eine Übergangskategorie. In vielen Fällen sind die 68er zusätzlich auch gegenüber den jüngeren Kohorten abzugrenzen. Damit scheint es sich bei den 68ern tatsächlich um eine Generation im soziologischen Sinne zu handeln. Anhand einer Clusteranalyse werden schließlich unterschiedliche Generationseinheiten identifiziert. Die auf theoretischer Basis empirisch erfolgreiche Bestimmung der 68er-Generation legt den Schluss nahe, dass ein präzise angewandtes Generationskonzept durchaus für die Beschreibung sozialen Wandels sinnvoll einsetzbar ist

    Transnationale Wirtschaftskulturen in Europa. Empirische Befunde

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    A methodological framework for measuring social innovation

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    "This paper introduces a methodological framework to develop dimensions for measuring social innovation capacities of spatial units. The framework is designed to ensure the compatibility of these dimensions with theoretical concepts as well as innovative practices. Therefore, theoretical top-down strategies have been combined with an empirical bottom-up strategy. From the top-down perspective, we assess opportunities and limits of existing metrics of technological-economic innovation in the light of theoretical requirements of social innovation. As an interim result we present measurement dimensions for social innovation at the national level. Within the framework of the bottom-up strategy, we start our analysis from the local level. In qualitative case studies in four German cities, we investigate whether these dimensions are of significance for the innovative practice. In order to study the innovation process in the context of innovative practice we look at the example of the integration of migrants and discuss systemic determinants of social innovativeness. Finally, these systemic implications have been used to modify the measurement dimensions and to adjust them to the local level." (author's abstract

    Modelling of a triage scoring tool for SARS-COV-2 PCR testing in health-care workers: data from the first German COVID-19 Testing Unit in Munich

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    Background Numerous scoring tools have been developed for assessing the probability of SARS-COV-2 test positivity, though few being suitable or adapted for outpatient triage of health care workers. Methods We retrospectively analysed 3069 patient records of health care workers admitted to the COVID-19 Testing Unit of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität of Munich between January 27 and September 30, 2020, for real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis of naso- or oropharyngeal swabs. Variables for a multivariable logistic regression model were collected from self-completed case report forms and selected through stepwise backward selection. Internal validation was conducted by bootstrapping. We then created a weighted point-scoring system from logistic regression coefficients. Results 4076 (97.12%) negative and 121 (2.88%) positive test results were analysed. The majority were young (mean age: 38.0), female (69.8%) and asymptomatic (67.8%). Characteristics that correlated with PCR-positivity included close-contact professions (physicians, nurses, physiotherapists), flu-like symptoms (e.g., fever, rhinorrhoea, headache), abdominal symptoms (nausea/emesis, abdominal pain, diarrhoea), less days since symptom onset, and contact to a SARS-COV-2 positive index-case. Variables selected for the final model included symptoms (fever, cough, abdominal pain, anosmia/ageusia) and exposures (to SARS-COV-positive individuals and, specifically, to positive patients). Internal validation by bootstrapping yielded a corrected Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve of 76.43%. We present sensitivity and specificity at different prediction cut-off points. In a subgroup with further workup, asthma seems to have a protective effect with regard to testing result positivity and measured temperature was found to be less predictive than anamnestic fever. Conclusions We consider low threshold testing for health care workers a valuable strategy for infection control and are able to provide an easily applicable triage score for the assessment of the probability of infection in health care workers in case of resource scarcity

    Monitoring CD27 expression to evaluate Mycobacterium tuberculosis activity in HIV-1 infected individuals in vivo.

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    The level of bacterial activity is only poorly defined during asymptomatic Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection. The objective was to study the capacity of a new biomarker, the expression of the T cell maturation marker CD27 on MTB-specific CD4 T cells, to identify active tuberculosis (TB) disease in subjects from a MTB and HIV endemic region. The frequency and CD27 expression of circulating MTB-specific CD4 T cells was determined in 96 study participants after stimulation with purified protein derivative (PPD) using intracellular cytokine staining for IFNgamma (IFNγ). Subjects were then stratified by their TB and HIV status. Within PPD responders, a CD27(-) phenotype was associated with active TB in HIV(-) (p = 0.0003) and HIV(+) (p = 0.057) subjects, respectively. In addition, loss of CD27 expression preceded development of active TB in one HIV seroconverter. Interestingly, in contrast to HIV(-) subjects, MTB-specific CD4 T cell populations from HIV(+) TB-asymptomatic subjects were often dominated by CD27(-) cells. These data indicate that down-regulation of CD27 on MTB-specific CD4 T cell could be used as a biomarker of active TB, potentially preceding clinical TB disease. Furthermore, these data are consistent with the hypothesis that late, chronic HIV infection is frequently associated with increased mycobacterial activity in vivo. The analysis of T cell maturation and activation markers might thus be a useful tool to monitor TB disease progression
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